Help Prevent School Shootings

Protecting Our Students offers solutions to help end school shootings. Your donation provides the funding to save students’ lives and make them feel safe.


The Sought-After School Safety “Report Card” (SNR)
Groundbreaking Initiative of Innovation and Collaboration


Nonprofit Platinum Staus








[2-Min Video]

Focus Areas

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Reduce Gun Violence
Top Large Icon 7
Unify Safety Programs
Top Large Icon 6
Standardize Policies
Small Logo Top 2
Keep Schools Safe

POS Coordinates with




Concerned Citizens

A Movement Like No Other

We focus on solutions to prevent school shootings. We want to introduce our alliance with SITE|SAFETYNET℠, the advanced digital-age and technological school safety and vulnerability site assessment, and annual reassessment apps.

Simplified K-12 Site Safety Apps – Streamlined and User-Friendly Site Safety Apps | Transform K-12 Campus by Effortlessly Assigning Assessments | Designed to Elevate Safety with Unparalleled Convenience
SITE|SAFETYNET℠ is the updated and disciplined approach for regular, systematic physical site assessments. The online apps are streamlined to save money and simplify school safety implementation during heightened gun violence in schools.


100% of the funds
Go to reducing K-12
gun violence.

We Unify Schools

We Create bold, meaningful, and universal impact.

POS unites schools to protect our students. K-12 school gun safety policies and procedures are not uniform. Some cities and states implement different safety systems, and POS standardizes and unifies a best-of-class approach nationwide. We are developing partnerships with Certified School Safety Professionals, School Security & Crisis Preparedness specialists, Law Enforcement, and Government Agencies. With SITE|SAFETYNET℠, our standardized K-12 universal gun safety policy and mobile procedure app, we measure strengths and deficiencies among school districts nationwide to identify any needed safety modifications and policy reform upgrades.


226,000+ students
Nationally have experienced
gun violence.

A National Safety Reach

With POSSafetyNet℠, POS makes students feel safe.

SITE|SAFETYNET℠ is building a coalition of partners. We provide a comprehensive, one-stop certification process that standardizes best practices for all schools regardless of their size and funding by merging gun safety and security policies in K-12 schools nationwide.

Today’s students feel stressed and anxious about more than tests. They’re worried about their safety. U.S. list of school shootings HERE. We make a difference by providing this critical peace of mind for students, teachers, parents, and school administrators nationwide.


72% of shooters
current or former students of the school.

The Time For Change Is Now

We need your help to prevent another crisis.

We understand the urgency in our country to implement concrete, measurable, substantive action to decrease the frequency and enormity of mass shooting episodes in our k-12 schools. In nearly every case over ten years, attackers who targeted schools had engaged in threatening or other suspicious behavior that caused people to raise concerns beforehand. Prevent active shooters in our schools.

Over 93,000 teachers and faculty have the opportunity to assess the behavior exhibited by troubled students. We measure the vulnerability of schools and apply an effective state-of-the-art security solution for implementing a unified security software app’s approach in an objective, consistent, cost-effective manner.


School administrators & employees who can be trained to make a difference.

Support Our Assignment

POS is a nonprofit organization explicitly designed to prevent active shooters in addition to bullying, harassment, and violence. We are standardizing and unifying K-12 gun safety policies with our proprietary SITE|SAFETYNET℠ software app designed specifically for our student’s safety. We accomplish this with donations and support – for the nearly 100,000 K-12 schools struggling with the cost of upgrading and improving today’s gun safety and security needs.

The Problem

When asked how safe they feel at various locations around their school, just over half of the students report feeling safe from harm at school. While 66% of students feel safe in their classes, only 59% say they feel safe at school. SITE|SAFETYNET℠

Join the Movement

With your help, we can ensure local school districts and our communities are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and ability to Protect Our Students. Contact us to inquire about how you can help. HERE

Ways to Give

We provide several ways for you to make a gift to Protecting Our Students. Click here to learn how.

Our Current and Informative News/Blog. Including All Related Matters to Education.

We Provide the Most Current and Archived News/Blog, Interviews, Articles & In-Depth Stories, and Education Updates, including from Our Facebook News feed.

Preventing Active Shooters from Your School – Our Process


Active shooter prevention and gun safety in K-12 schools need to be more organized, decentralized, and efficient. They are comprised of various methods and approaches, ranging from adequate to ineffective. There is no accepted universal process for auditing a school facility for security vulnerability and no universal certification program.


SITE|SAFETYNET℠ is a mobile software app—an advanced, innovative, and technological school safety assessment tool. Our app has been designed to identify security vulnerabilities on campus, interior and exterior, and proactively deliver detailed recommendations for improvement – preventing active shooters on campus.


After completing an assessment, the school is provided with a comprehensive REPORT. Showing detailed results, compiled from SITE|SAFETYNET℠ , and a technical school safety description is generated outlining areas of improvement and recommendations for improving these outlined and significant problem areas