Communities Rally to Combat Widespread Criminality and Safeguard Students
Communities in and around St. Louis are increasingly concerned about the pervasive impact of crime throughout the region. Recent episodes of violence in downtown St. Louis have served as a stark reminder of the urgent need for immediate and long-term solutions. This article delves into the community’s perspectives, their proactive initiatives and highlights the crucial role of safety and vulnerability assessments in schools across the region.
Regional Crime Impact and Urgent Remedies
St. Louis leaders are deeply troubled by the persistent nature of crime and its detrimental effects on the city. Mayor Jim Bowlin of Wildwood emphasizes that safeguarding citizens should be the government’s primary duty, urging prompt action. Les Stearman, Chair of Citizens for a Greater Downtown St. Louis, suggests a law enforcement blitz to tackle traffic lawlessness and calls for swift action against negligent landlords to curtail criminal activities.
Formulating a Regional Strategy
Recognizing the urgent need to address the escalating levels of violent crime, Greater St. Louis Inc. CEO Jason Hall underscores the importance of a comprehensive regional violent crime reduction strategy. Hall emphasizes the necessity of bringing together elected leaders, law enforcement agencies, educators, human service providers, religious organizations, and external experts to combat crime collectively. To kick-start this effort, the East-West Gateway Council of Governments will host a Regional Crime Summit to set clear goals and employ effective techniques.
The Imperative for Strategy
Several weeks ago, mayors and county officials, led by Mayor Jim Bowlin, presented a 6-point strategy to address the region’s crime problem. One key recommendation includes merging the St. Louis County and city prosecuting offices, streamlining operations, and expediting trials. Officials also call for stricter penalties for opioid-related deaths and auto thefts and reforms within the juvenile justice system. These measures aim to hold young offenders accountable for their actions and eliminate the practice of their immediate release.
Communication and Concerns
Community leaders expressed their frustration over the need for more response from the city regarding their proposed 6-point strategy. Mayor Tishaura Jones has yet to address their concerns, raising apprehensions about the seriousness of the issue and the commitment to finding viable solutions.
Importance of School Safety Assessments
In the face of escalating crime rates, the St. Louis-based nonprofit organization Protecting Our Students (POS) emphasizes the critical significance of school safety and vulnerability assessments. Their software application, POSSafetyNet℠, provides schools with an accessible and efficient platform for conducting comprehensive assessments tailored to their needs. Critical factors considered include school classification, geography, enrollment, administration, number of buildings, and campus area.
A Comprehensive and Cost-Effective Solution
POS’s POSSafetyNet℠ stands out as a cost-effective solution for school safety assessments. Priced below cost at $2,500, significantly lower than the industry average of $25,000, the app provides schools with a comprehensive evaluation in less than 30 days, speeding up improving safety. POS maintains transparency by refraining from partnerships with overpriced safety vendors, ensuring that schools can prioritize their safety solutions without additional financial burdens. The app’s dashboard report assists schools in identifying areas for improvement and making informed decisions regarding scheduling, vendors, and associated costs.

Considering the alarming prevalence of crime in the St. Louis region, urgent and coordinated efforts are necessary. Merging prosecuting offices, implementing stricter penalties, and reforming the juvenile justice system are crucial steps. Concurrently, prioritizing school safety through assessments is essential. POSSafetyNet℠
POSSafetyNet℠, with its tailored approach to school safety assessments, empowers educational institutions to identify vulnerabilities and prioritize measures to protect students and staff. By considering factors such as school classification, geography, enrollment, and campus size, the app offers a comprehensive solution for enhancing safety.
The collective efforts of leaders, community organizations, and nonprofits like Protecting Our Students (POS) are crucial in combatting crime and safeguarding the residents of St. Louis. By addressing regional crime impact through strategic initiatives and advocating for school safety assessments, there is hope for a safer future for the entire community.
It is imperative that local authorities, educational institutions, and stakeholders work together to implement these recommendations and prioritize the safety and well-being of everyone in the region. By taking immediate action and fostering collaboration, we can create a secure environment where residents, especially students, can thrive and fulfill their potential.
The time for comprehensive and decisive action is now. Let us unite, address the challenges, and build a stronger, safer St. Louis for future generations.
Robert Jordan
Co-founder Protecting Our Students (POS)
Schools Must Conduct Regular Safety and Vulnerability Assessments